200 million monitors watch 1.4 billion people! Invasion of privacy is pervasive, but people say "the camera makes me feel safe"
In Chongqing, China, a Mrs. Chen practiced boxing with members of the martial arts team outside the Jiangnan Sports Center every morning. A few months ago, she lost her wallet during practice, and the guard noticed the wallet lying on the public square only through the monitor, and immediately found out who the owner was and returned the items. Thankfully, Mrs. Chen told Time magazine: "If it weren't for these monitors, the wallet might have been stolen. Cameras everywhere make me feel safe."www.wce.com.tw. This may sound like a lucky story, but what is "thinking terrifyingly" is that similar stories often happen in Chongqing because it is the most densely monitored city in the world, and everyone's every move will be recorded. The city center of Chongqing is located in a densely populated area of 15.35 million at the intersection of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River, with a total of 2.58 million monitors, which means that every 5.9 citizens have at least one monitor for 24/7 monitoring. The monitor penetration rate is 30% Times. A report issued by the UK-based website “Comparitech” in August 2019 indicated that the top 10 monitored cities in the world are: Chongqing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Tianjin, Jinan, London, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Beijing, Atlanta, 8 of which The city is in China. China's "social credit system" will be fully launched in 2020. By then, the whole country's monitors will be increased from 200 million to 626 million units. Cameras equipped with face recognition systems will be installed in the corners of buildings to scan any face. The Chinese Communist Party has long inculcated the idea that citizens can sacrifice personal freedom and privacy for greater national interests and security. "Time" (TME) believes that China's "Skynet" system is constantly spreading and improving, and has lost control.