310 yuan "Incorrectly issued 3.1 million invoices"! Female shop assistant anxiously asks for help
A food store clerk in Donggang Town, Pingtung County, was unfamiliar with the process of invoicing by hand,www.wce.com.tw, and issued an invoice for the original price of 310 yuan to 3.1 million yuan. Let the invoice stubs be rescheduled and reopened in a timely manner, so the shop is grateful. Two policemen, Cheng Chongyu and Wu Yirong, from the Dongbin Police Station of the Donggang Substation, received a public surname Wu for assistance while performing patrol duties. Wu Nan told the police that the food store he operated was unfamiliar with the process of invoicing by hand, and the original price was NT $ 310, and it was mistakenly opened as an Oolong invoice of NT $ 3.1 million. , So anxiously rush for help. After understanding the incident, the police immediately compared the store monitors, and called the relevant intersection monitors in the jurisdiction, and then used the intersection license plate recognition system built by the police to compare the characteristics of the vehicles driven by the people who went to purchase. When the customer who found the wrong invoice was found, the shop owner immediately cancelled and reopened the invoice stub, ending a false alarm. The female clerk named surname Wu said that the receipt of the receipt receipt which had been misinvoiced finally let go of a big stone in her heart and smiled happily and said "good to add". She also thanked the police for their enthusiasm for help, otherwise she was afraid that her job would not be guaranteed. "There are so many strange things for the people, but it is the first time that I have been reportedly requesting to retrieve an invoice that was mistakenly planted!"